WeiChun Kua

Science Representative Candidate

My name is WeiChun Kua (he/him/his) and I am running to be your Science Representative for the Simon Fraser Student Society. I am a fourth year international student majoring in Biology with a concentration in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation.

I was born and raised in Brunei on Borneo Island. Apa khabar to all my Southeast Asians! Over my 3 years here at SFU, I was like the average SFU student, unaware of the SFSS and what it actually does other than providing services to students, clubs and DSUs (Departmental Student Unions). Even at that, our student society has not been the best at providing those services. In addition, a student society is meant to be more than that. It is supposed to advocate and represent its members - that is US, the students.

Being a student is stressful and hard enough as it is. We need a society led by students who will advocate and fight on our behalf when it comes to issues like freezing tuition, affordable student housing, open-source textbooks, long-term DSU spaces and more student lounges within the Faculty of Science, and many others.

I believe we deserve a student society that is willing to stand up and advocate for all students including Indigenous and minority communities, even when it's the most inconvenient and difficult.

  • Long-term DSUs common spaces and more student lounges

  • Easier reimbursement for DSUs

  • Reviving activism on campus and fighting for climate justice

( Made with Carrd )